If you click on any of our products and scroll down the product page, there is a section labeled "Does Not Contain" that lists common allergens that aren't in that particular supplement. You can also click "View Supplement Label" to see exactly what's in the product. Additionally, if you mark an allergen in the quiz, we won't recommend any items that contain that allergen.
All of our products are manufactured in facilities that adhere to the US Food and Drug Administration’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), which include measures to control for cross-contact of major allergens. That said, we want to be very transparent with our customers that we package our dietary supplements in a shared facility that also packages fish (salmon) and egg.
*Please note that although we will not recommend items containing an allergen that you mark on your quiz, we allow customers to add any item on our site to their subscription, so it’s important to read all of our product labels.